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الأربعاء، 18 أغسطس 2021

How To Toilet Train A Puppy

How To Toilet Train A Puppy

How To Toilet Train A Puppy

If you are reading this article then you are probably looking for more information regarding how to toilet train a puppy. Most of all dog behavioral problems are to do with defecation and urination at unacceptable times and places.

To learn how to toilet train a puppy then you will need to be aware of the fact that your puppy will not be able to effectively control its urges before it is around 9 weeks old. Some dogs will learn more quickly than others, however, it is often more difficult to toilet train a puppy before this age.

When considering how to toilet train a puppy then there are a few problems that you will need to be aware of that can make the process more difficult than it should be. Your dog may lose control as a result of medical issues, stones, bladder infections, diabetes, cognitive disorders, or gastroenteritis.

Your puppy may also exhibit territorial behaviors to mark its territory. Although research has found that neutering can reduce this problem, many neutered dogs with urination problems will continue to have them.

Concerning dominance-related behavior then you will need to show your puppy that you are the leader of the pack in your home environment. You will need to clean your house of any previously marked spots and it is recommended that you use an odor neutralizer that is designed specifically for dogs.

It is also important to note that some dogs may urinate as a sign of submission. This is normally a puppy trait however it can be carried into adulthood.

The question of how to toilet train a puppy is a common one. However when it comes to preventing or stopping elimination issues then you must first rule out any possible medical condition.

When you have ruled out a medical condition then you should make sure that your puppy has a  This means that you should be feeding and exercising your puppy at regular times, your puppy will then learn to adjust to these times as well as the areas they have been trained to use for elimination.

When toilet training your puppy it is not sufficient to take your puppy out once or twice a day. You will need to take your puppy out around 5 times a day to ensure that they understand that they need to eliminate outside.

If these methods are unsuccessful and you plan on going away from home for a long period then you should confine your puppy to a small area to avoid your dog making a mess everywhere, you could also consider crate training your puppy.

It is important to note that toilet training a puppy can be a challenging task. However, you must be persistent and consistent with your training process. You need to be aware that if you have a break from training just for one day then this can result in your puppy becoming confused and this can have a major impact on your dog’s learning.

Steps on Toilet Training Puppies

 Steps on Toilet Training Puppies:

  Toilet training puppies is a lot simpler than toilet training adult canines. This is because older dogs have already developed some of the bad habits that are rather difficult to change even through continuous training efforts.

 Before starting any plans on toilet training puppies, keep in mind that puppies cannot control their physical needs when they are very young.

 Therefore, you need to be patient especially when your puppy is aged twelve weeks or less. They might urinate on your carpet or anywhere else, so you might find it easier if you put the puppy in a crate until he understands where he can do his business.

  During toilet training puppies, please avoid using harsh techniques. It doesn’t make sense to punish your puppy if he accidentally defecated on your carpet, for example.

 During toilet training puppies, don’t become a cruel pet owner by doing crazy things on your puppy, such as giving him a spank on the bottom or pushing your pet’s face into the stool.

 These are inhumane acts and won’t benefit you in any way. Your puppy will never understand why you punished him; the only message that will come through is that you are a mean owner and your puppy might develop a fear when he senses your presence around.

  A dog is an intelligent animal but its level of intelligence is rather limited. Therefore, during toilet training puppies, it is best if you repeat the same command over and over again until your puppy understands the message clearly.

 When your puppy moves in a circular motion and he sniffs around, most possibly it wants to do his business. Once you notice this, give a similar command such as ‘go out, ‘out’ or ‘outside’, whichever you feel most comfortable using.
Learn the Tips and Tricks in Puppy Potty Training:

Learn the Tips and Tricks in Puppy Potty Training:

During puppy potty training, as the owner, you must make sure that there is a special place where your puppy can sleep and play. After a while, your puppy will certainly feel comfortable with the special area and this is the right time for you to move to another area.

 Why do you need to do so? When puppy potty training is still in progress, you must introduce the whole area of your home to your puppy. Make him recognize that the indoor is a place where he shouldn’t do his business.

When doing puppy potty training, you must be consistent in everything you do. Dogs are an obedient type of animal and they learn things based on repetitive observation and practice. Therefore, when performing puppy potty training, it is your job to keep everything on schedule.

 Doing this needs you to observe your puppy. After each meal, observe when the actual time where your puppy needs to defecate. To make it even easier, bring him to his ‘toilet’ every time after he has eaten his meal. Your puppy will learn this habit rather quickly provided that you are always consistent in your training.

Puppy potty training will become more successful if you include the concept of rewarding in it. Dogs are social animals and they understand that when you give him a treat it means he has done a good thing and you appreciate him for doing so.

 Other than that, make sure that he has ample access to his ‘toilet’. Also, do not put your puppy in the crate for long hours without you being around.

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